Machine-readable securities regulation

Our regulatory framework is a collection of laws, rules, regulations and guidance that together create one foundational dataset.

Machine-readable regulation refers to the process of translating this dataset into a format that enables computers to comprehend the pertinent sections of acts, regulations, rules and policies. This can facilitate faster information retrieval and lead to more efficient processing and analysis of information, ultimately saving time and increasing productivity.

We are exploring how machine-readable regulation can help make Ontario securities regulation more accessible for our stakeholders.

More effective and efficient compliance

By transforming complex regulatory texts into machine-readable formats, we aim to reduce compliance burden, increase efficiencies and expand access to our regulatory instruments. Machine-readable regulation is also expected to help make the connections between regulatory requirements, such as national instruments and staff notices, clearer and easier to follow.

A collaborative approach to modernization

This initiative is part of our broader efforts to leverage technology to modernize our regulatory environment. Exploring machine-readable regulation represents a collaborative effort between regulators, industry and technology providers in shaping a regulatory environment that is adaptable to the evolving technological landscape.

Join the conversation

If you have any ideas about how machine-readable regulation can support you or what technical specifications should be implemented for this project, please share them with us via OSC IdeaHub.