OSC TestLab

Testing to accelerate progress in Ontario’s capital markets

OSC TestLab is an OSC testing program for capital market innovations and new approaches to regulation aimed at fostering innovation and competition in Ontario’s capital markets and economic growth for Ontario.

In focus

Experiment, learn, improve

Solution-focused testing

TestLab provides opportunities for capital market participants and the OSC to collaborate on solution-focused testing in a controlled environment to address specific issues and opportunities in our markets.

Time-limited testing of new products, technologies and regulatory approaches can help accelerate learning, reduce uncertainty and establish a clearer basis for decisions and actions for both the OSC and test participants.

We use testing to support responsible innovation and enable solutions that contribute to innovative and competitive capital markets in Ontario.

Insights from testing will provide valuable input to inform the OSC’s efforts to modernize our regulatory environment in support of inviting, thriving and secure capital markets in Ontario.

How OSC TestLab can support your business

Through TestLab, we aim to facilitate dialogue and collaboration among testing participants and the OSC so that we can experiment, learn, and improve together.

Testing can provide opportunities for businesses to test new products, services and technologies and gather feedback that can help to fine-tune and tailor solutions.

It can also provide opportunities for Ontario businesses to participate in tests centered around new approaches to regulation where the OSC will be testing initiatives aimed at modernizing regulation, and fostering capital formation and competition in Ontario’s capital markets.

We will work with participants to remove regulatory obstacles for testing; in appropriate circumstances, this could mean providing participants with time-limited exemptions from existing regulatory requirements for the testing period.

Benefits of OSC TestLab

Enable the development, testing and adoption of new technologies and innovative solutions.
Reduce time to market and improve access to capital.
Engage with experts on regulatory challenges and barriers and obtain guidance on regulatory requirements.
Reduce barriers to entry and increase competition.
Inform policy development and modernize regulation.