Understanding OSC TestLab
Test design process
The process for designing a test starts with determining a testing theme. We identify testing themes through research and consultations to reflect emerging trends and technologies, stakeholder needs, and developments in the Canadian and international capital markets.
The goal of a testing theme is to identify areas where technology or innovative solutions can have an immediate impact in Ontario’s capital markets.
After identifying a testing theme, we engage with stakeholders to arrive at one or more problem statements that will serve as the basis for a solution-focused test and establish the criteria for participation in that test.
The goal of the Testing Theme
The goals of the Problem Statement
Who can participate
OSC TestLab is for businesses ready to test innovative solutions that respond to the problem statements and address specific issues and opportunities in Ontario’s capital markets.
Market participants can test their in-house solutions and technology developers can test solutions through partnerships with other capital market participants.
Ontario businesses will also be able to participate in tests centered around new approaches to regulation where the OSC will be testing new policies and initiatives aimed at reducing burden, promoting economic growth and competition, and fostering capital formation in Ontario’s capital markets.
The testing process
Businesses considering participating in a test should review the specific guidelines provided with each cohort announcement, to determine whether they fit the criteria and are willing to commit the resources to participate in testing.
Each announcement will be accompanied by:
Stages of the testing process
A continuous improvement framework
We understand the need to start small and move quickly to evolve. OSC TestLab helps businesses with innovative capital market solutions to experiment, learn and improve their solutions through testing.
Insights from testing will also help the OSC learn about how novel solutions contribute to our efforts to modernize regulation to reduce burden, promote economic growth and competition, and foster capital formation in Ontario’s capital markets.
We’re here to help
If you would like to be notified about OSC TestLab updates or know more about the upcoming test, please drop us a line at testlab@osc.gov.on.ca